Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Resolution Revolution

New Year’s Resolutions. The three cringe-worthy words mean the end of your indulgent holiday season and the start of a bleak, disciplined January. Run five times a week. Start Atkins. Read War and Peace. Pay off the Banana Republic card. It’s no wonder that resolutions rarely last until Valentine’s Day—what about this list would get anyone motivated?

Instead of the usual diet/exercise/money routine, add one of these ideas to your self-improvement plan. Finally—some resolutions you might just be able to keep!

1. Perfect the art of wine and food pairing. The Food Network’s grid is a great place to start:,1975,FOOD_10017,00.html Or, get a group of friends together and split the cost of a lesson from a professional in your area. Not only a fun activity, wine pairing is a valuable tool that will impress your dinner guests for years to come!

2. Make your family proud and learn to make a complete meal reminiscent of your background or heritage. A traditional Tuscan feast for Italians, or a variety of exotic tapas if you are Spanish-will be the perfect meal for the next family get-together. If your background is more scattered than specific, spin your globe or choose a culture that interests you. Greek tzatziki is always a winner, no matter where you call home.,,FOOD_9936_6345,00.html

3. Start your own blog! Have a passion for art, boating, books, or just want to share your daily thoughts and activities with friends? Go to and sign up for a free account!

4. Make the world a better place without even leaving your desk. Count your blessings for your health and safety, and then click on or and donate to organizations that care for those who don’t have either. Any amount you can afford is welcome, and you can specify which country, disaster, or fund you would specifically like to reach, such as Sudan or the tsunami relief fund.

5. Celebrate yourself! Make a list of all the things you accomplished in 2004. Allow yourself between $1 and $10 (if you got a nice Christmas bonus!) for each accomplishment and use the total amount to buy something specifically for YOU—a calendar, coffee card, book, movie, or anything you’ve had your eye on. Then, every time you enjoy your purchase, remember and be proud of all you’ve achieved in the past year.

Happy New Year!

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